Monday, March 14, 2011

Day Labor

Day labor is a largely untapped resource for most homeowners. Most homeowners hire contractors who in turn hire day laborers to do the work. Basically the contractor is the middleman who provides the laborer or laborers, the insurance (hopefully), and some light supervision. This is fine for tasks that are more complex. But for the simple labor intensive jobs like raking leaves, clearing brush, cleaning, and even moving, most homeowners feel comfortable supervising these jobs themselves and saving money by cutting out the middleman. So to save between 15% and 50% on these simple jobs this year, hire your own day laborers. How? contact a local temporary labor office or visit You need to be aware that there are labor laws concerning these types of hiring situations? Worker's Comp, Social Security, etc? Don't hire someone off the street for cash! There are agencies everywhere that can protect you from breaking the law by providing the workers' comp and paying the necessary taxes.

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